銅錢在轉 依稀三數圈
迢迢萬里間 彷彿 彷彿 牽動方寸
就似相識 相約(失約)在某年
幾多眷戀 幻影 矇矓未看穿
光陰流轉 情懷繾綣
如若咫尺 又似 又似 時空中迷亂
銅錢逆轉 拍岸潮語聲聲 最怕夢醒
Music: "Somewhere In Time", by John Barry
噢,就是那一齣我幾乎連廣告時段也不敢亂走,乖乖的坐在電視前看的 Somewhere In Time?
原來,有小說。Bid Time Return,Richard Matheson 1975 年的作品。
而電影,易名 Somewhere In Time,香港譯作《時光倒流七十年》,台灣譯作《似曾相識》。
小說沒有電影震憾,也許是因為原著以日記重溫的形式推進,內容必然不時提及兩個年份,所以就算到了最後一刻,Richard 看到那枚 1971 (1980) 年的錢幣似乎就不那麼震憾了。而在電影中,每當 Richard 回到 1896 (1912) 年,人物和場景全都屬於那年代,那枚錢幣一出現,觀眾就知道事情要壞了。
上網看 YouTube,聽到音樂,醉了。
Where there is time, there is tomorrow.
Somewhere in time, all sorrows pass to memories.
And so the end is the beginning.
Somethere in time, we are as we are meant to be.Where there is time, there is a circle.
Somewhere in time the circle yearns to be complete,
though you may feel this is illusion.
Somewhere in time, I know we're certain to meet.Somewhere in time, love is forever,
a love that's here, a love that's now to last for all time.
Somehow I know this moment is waiting somewhere in time."Somewhere In Time"
Music: "Somewhere In Time", by John Barry
Words: Michael Crawford
第二首似是在 Elise 的角度看。
Somewhere in time you came into my world.
Love was beyond what I imagined love would be.
Now just a dream I hold till the end of time,
hoping someday we'll find what we left behind.There'll come a day our paths will meet again,
we'll cross the bridge of time and space to a love that's free.
No more goodbyes, no lonely waiting,
that'll be our day to love, to live all our dreams.If we believe and keep alive
the hope that love will stand the test of distance and time,
then we shall find our new tomorrow somewhere in time.Someday there'll be no time between us,
there'll just be endless days for us to love and share.
We'll rise above the tears of our lonely years
into a world beyond today in another somewhere."Somewhere In Time"
Music: "Somewhere In Time", by John Barry
Words: Belinda Foo
Somewhere in time, we met on timeless hills,
and in the evening midst we kissed, and time stood still.
Before the dawn, we found forever;
moments are timeless when I feel your caress.Love never goes once it has touched your heart,
just like the scent of wine, that's left as two lips part.
The taste of love will linger after
I find a meaning now in all that I see.You're always here inside of me and
I know where love is true, it's always with you.
Somewhere in time, I came to realize love never goes."Somewhere In Time"
Music: "Somewhere In Time", by John Barry
Words: Anonymous
Somewhere in time 心中只有孤單
用你臂彎 親切地擁抱我
輕輕再拭乾綿綿淚水Somewhere in time 溫馨灑滿心間
關心句子像詩 柔情是暖火光陰流轉(似是遙遠) 完全清楚
無言預感同行共挽手 Somewhere in time悠悠舊歌 癡癡再彈和
日記每張 寫滿著千個你
心中每分幻想夢想 甜甜夢裡飛彭 羚."Somewhere In Time"
John Barry 曲.張美賢詞
銅錢在轉三數圈,迢迢萬里,牽動方寸。相識相約某年,眷戀幻影矇矓未看穿。 光陰流轉,情懷繾綣,咫尺時空迷亂。銅錢逆轉,拍岸潮語聲聲、怕夢醒。
Further reading:
- "Somewhere in Time (film)", Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somewhere_in_Time_(film)
- "Somewhere In Time (1980) composer John Barry", YouTube, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSfcpJb_J38&feature=related
- "Somewhere in Time (1980)", YouTube, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oI-rGuVt4zo&feature=related
- Official Somewhere In Time Website | Starring Christopher Reeve, Jane Seymour, official movie site, http://www.somewhereintime.tv/